Windows 7 vs Windows Vista performance benchmarks
Test Name | Windows Vista | Windows 7 |
CPU - Integer Math | 283.1 | 263.4 |
CPU - Floating Point Math | 1071.8 | 1076.8 |
CPU - Find Prime Numbers | 1065.4 | 1084.6 |
CPU - SSE/3DNow! | 6529.5 | 7162.2 |
CPU - Compression | 7034.6 | 6766.1 |
CPU - Encryption | 40.3 | 41.2 |
CPU - Image Rotation | 1367.9 | 1376 |
CPU - String Sorting | 4884.9 | 5013.4 |
Graphics 2D - Lines | 101.3 | 65.9 |
Graphics 2D - Rectangles | 68.4 | 26.4 |
Graphics 2D - Shapes | 47.1 | 35.3 |
Graphics 2D - Fonts and Text | 227.8 | 223.1 |
Graphics 2D - GUI | 136 | 112.3 |
Graphics 3D - Simple | 2069.8 | 1668 |
Graphics 3D - Medium | 575.1 | 546.8 |
Graphics 3D - Complex | 45.6 | 43.8 |
Memory - Allocate Small Block | 2469.5 | 2855.6 |
Memory - Read Cached | 2323.6 | 2308.1 |
Memory - Read Uncached | 2315.2 | 2297.2 |
Memory - Write | 2117.4 | 2171.5 |
Memory - Large RAM | 832.1 | 954.1 |
Disk - Sequential Read | 50.6 | 57.9 |
Disk - Sequential Write | 56.3 | 64.1 |
Disk - Random Seek + RW | 3.2 | 2.2 |
CD - Read | 9 | 9.2 |
CPU Mark | 1919.8 | 2018.4 |
2D Graphics Mark | 421.1 | 315.2 |
Memory Mark | 743.6 | 782.7 |
Disk Mark | 398.1 | 449.1 |
CD Mark | 1108 | 1128.6 |
3D Graphics Mark | 861.1 | 722.9 |
PassMark Rating | 993.8 | 1008.1 |
Test system information |
Number of CPU: 1 (2 Core(s)/CPU, 1 Logical(s)/Core) |
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz |
Cache size: 6144KB |
Total RAM:3070.1 MB. |
Available RAM:2153.8 MB. |
Video settings: 1920×1200x32 |
Total Disk Space: 298.1 GBytes |
Cluster Size: 4 KBytes |
File system:NTFS |
I can only conclude processor management has been improved, and that’s the only area in which it performs better (on average) than it’s predecessor. However, on the graphics field, it seems Windows 7 is even more demanding on the graphics card. An important remark is these tests are taken with the first Beta build of Windows 7 against Service Pack 1 for Vista, so these values might be more improved in the final version.
Though I must say, Windows 7 did seem very responsive in my test, and I’ve heard good things about it’s performance on lower end systems. I think it’s safe to assume that a pc that runs Vista will run Windows 7 equally well. Also, while gaming, I’ve barely noticed a difference in framerate between Windows Vista and Windows 7. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future brings.
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satu pc dan satu laptop kat rumah, dah installed windows 7, my laptop still ngan windows vista, esok nak try install la b4 leaving for shah alam.. yg lokman download adalah leaked version of windows 7 ultimate, skali tgk, x very different la ngan vista, tapi graphic movement improved, no more windows movie maker & etc.. ;)